I feel like Christians now-a-days are just so fake and bland! IT'S GROSS! People need to just STOP!
We have GOT to stop living comfortable lives. Take a look at the disciples. They constantly were tested and eventually killed for the ways they lived out their faith. Why don't we see that anymore?!?! Living in America we have either become TOO comfortable with our lives and don't want to do radical things for God... or we are too SCARED of what will happen to our lives if we put our faith out there.
Shouldn't people who don't believe in God be able to tell us apart from them?
If we just blend in with everyone else around us...no one we know will come to know Jesus. I'm not suggesting that you do drugs or drink or swear or anything that other people you know do.
But have you told all of the people you can think of about you're faith?
Probably not.
I haven't either...but I want to. DON'T YOU?
Here is the question I'm going to leave you with.
How are YOU going to IMPACT the world for God....TODAY?!
God Bless,
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